102 high school soccer players in Seoul area were studied adopting the concept of Life Change Unit in order to evaluate and analyse the relationship between sports injury proneness and life change. The Adolescent Athletes’ version of Social Readjustment Rating Scale was preliminarily developed by the authors with the inclusion of modified Schedule of Recent Experiences. 1) The Adolescent Athletes’ Social Readjustment Rating Scale was shown, in general, to have a significant correlation with Korean version of Social Readjustment Rating Scale standardized by applying to the general population (Spearman’s rho=0.71, p<0.01). However, several peculiar differences were noted in such areas as academic achievements, vacation and etc. 2) Degree of perception of life events was not shown to have any significant difference between the injury-prone players and the noninjury ones. However, Life Change Units (total amount of life change) was significantly higher in the injury-prone group than the noninjury one, irrespective of the length of period before injury (Student’s t-test, P<0.005). 3) The occurrence rate of illness was significantly higher in the injury-prone group than the non-injury one, irrespective of the length of period before injury (Student’s t-test, P < 0.005). 4) Other variables such as age, birth place, main growth pFace, career, and position showed no significant relationship with injury-proneness, perception of life event and Life Change Units. The 3rd year players showed significantly higher degree of perception of life events and had more life Change Units than the other grades. In conclusion, our study showed that injuryproneness have a significant correlation with the Life Change Units as a psychosocial stressor
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