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커버이미지 없음

작문 인지 과정 모형의 변모 양상

A discussion on the transfiguration of writing cognitive process models

  • 199

This article examines the cognitive process model in writing that had transformed according to the times. Cognitive process model in writing is the heart of cognitive writing theory that explain about writing. This is attempted to understanding the implication of the change by providing transfiguration of western writing process model for more than twenty years. First to achieve that, this study examined the theoretical assumption that needed for exploring these models using the discussions of cognitive science. Second, this study explained the transfiguration of twelve cognitive process models for writing which arranged in chronological order. Then, the implications of the transfiguration in writing education are discussed by three aspects: (1)research methodology of cognitive science (2) calling attention to emotional factors of writing (3) application of writing across the curriculum. All diagnosis and prescription about writing education rely heavily on the theory of cognitive process model in writing. Identifying the students cognitive process in writing help to understand about their difficulties during their writing. It can help to design instructional programs that caters for mixed-ability ranges. To teach the writing and to study about the writing education, we should make the cognitive process in writing clear.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 모형 탐색의 방법론

Ⅲ. 작문의 인지 과정 모형의 변모 양상

Ⅳ. 논의점

Ⅴ. 결론
