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KCI등재 학술저널

검정교과서 선정 과정에서 교사의 주의 집중 분석

An Analysis of Teachers’ Examination Behavior in a Authorized Textbook Selection: Using an Eye-tracking Method

  • 116

The purpose of this study is to examine how elementary school teachers select textbooks through the analysis of gaze fixation data and to compare and analyze the teachers’ selection behavior and gaze fixation. To this end, the eye tracking was conducted by selecting English textbooks. The subjects of the study are 10 teachers(two male and eight female), who were randomly sampled in consideration of teaching experience, region, age, gender, whether in English teaching career, and English textbooks selecting experience. To find out the teachers’ review patterns, the location of the gaze fixation according to variables on individual teacher, and factors affecting textbook selection, gaze fixation data, interview data, and behavioral data were collected. The gaze fixation data are categorized into nine high-level sections in accordance with the internal composition of the textbook referring to advanced research, and the high-level category was analyzed by finely divided analysis tables again. The results were as follows: First, on analysis of teachers’ review patterns when they select textbooks, there are five categories: the choice of lessons to review, individual textbook review, textbook comparison, textbook main contents review, and appendix review. Second, on analysis of the gaze fixed location depending on variables of individual teacher, such as English teaching experience and English textbook selecting experience, there is no significant difference, but the difference between the average value according to their experience. In other words, teachers who have English teaching experience or English textbook selecting experience fixed their eyes longer on themes and texts in English textbooks. On the other hand, teachers who don’t have English teaching or English textbook selecting experience fixed their gaze at illustrations longer. Third, on analysis of the factors affecting the textbook selection, what have the greatest impact on how teacher choose which textbooks to use in their classes was activities. The reason for this is teachers consider levels of learners and interest in activities. In addition to the activities, factors affecting the textbook selection are internal composition, such as illustrations, characters, appendix, external composition, publishers, and authors.

I. 서론

Ⅱ. 선행 연구 고찰

Ⅲ. 연구 방법

Ⅳ. 연구 결과 및 논의

Ⅴ. 결론 및 제언
