최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

청소년 음주가 비행에 미치는 영향 분석

A Correlative Analysis between Alcohol Drinking and Adolescent Deliquency

  • 14

To select the possible discriminating variables between delinquent adolescent and student adolescent, the authors tried to compare 471 institutionalized delinquent adolescents with 1,404 student adolescents, using self-rating questionnare. The collected data were processed by CDC-174 computer and then, the chi-square test was applied to verification. The results were as follows. 1) The current regular drinking rate of delinquent adolescents (27.4%) was approximately 10 times higher than that of student adolescents (2.6%). This result suggested that the higher current regular drinking rate corresponded with higher delinquent inclination. Among the delinquent adolescents, impulsive binge drinker (11.4%) and habitual excessive drinker (22.9%) were significantly higher than that of student adolescents. Consequently, these variables were considered as representing the delinquent inclination. 2) Permissive attitude toward alcohol drinking and accident in drunken state, both in parents and in adolescents were highly corelated with delinquent inclination. Also, higher current regular drinking rate in the surrounding peoples was corresponded with higher delinquent inclination. 3) Withdrawal drinker and aggressive drinker with poor control of aggression during being intoxicated were more common in delinquent adolescents, while social drinker and hedonic drinker were more common in student adolescents. 4) Delinquent adolescents tended to have more various impairment in their social functioning due to alcohol use comparing with student adolescents eg; trouble with lover, neglect obligation, trouble at work, arrest for intoxicated behavior, counselling or hospitalization due to their drinking problems. Therefore the author concluded that the adolescents who had more impairments in their social functioning due to alcohol use revealed higher delinquent inclination

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