The purpose of this study was to investigate the strains of housewives as stress factors in the family of Korean society. The “Family Strain Questicninaire^SQ),,was applied to the 99 neurotic housewives who are going treatment at psychiatric outpatient clinic of university and general hospitals and 242 normal control housewives from January to April in 1986. The FSQ is a self-rating questionnaire, consisting of 81 items which can be subgrouped in 14 areas, and is expected to reply basing on response choice in FREQUENCY and SEVERITY with 3 digit selection. The results were summarized as the followings; 1) The FSQ was confirmed highly reliable through the method of split-half, (frequency: r= 0.935,severity: r=0.941) 2) The total scores of both frequency and severity were highly correlated between neurotic and normal control housewives. 3) The frequency and severity of each 81 items were compared between neurotic and normal control housewives. While * Marital strain’ and Undersirable events/situation’ were significantly higher in neurotic housewives than controls. Work-related strain’ was significantly higher in control housewives than in neurotic in terms of frequency and severity. 4) Each items were ranked according to the scores of frequency in both groups While fMy own physical illness’ was firstly ranked in neurotic housewives, Not satisfied with daily housework’ was in control housewives. 5) No significant difference was seen in total scores of FREQUENCY of strains, but significant difference was seen in total scores of SEVERITY of strains between both groups. Those results were discussed in relation with the sociocultural characteristics of Korean society and were compared with those of other researchers.