The authors presented the study of the characteristic features of sailor psychiatric inpatients, who are liable to be exposed to unnatural physical and psychic condition while ships. The subjects were thirty four sailors who were admitted to the Dept, of Neuropsychiatry in Mary knoll General Hospital in Pusan, the biggest habor city in Korea, from May 1,1982 to February 28, 1984. The results were followings; 1) The numbers of sailor psychiatric inpatients are on the increase year by year. 2) The majority of sailor inpatients were in their twenties and their duration of empoyment were mainly under one year. 3) They showed about same admission rate regardless of the educational levels of position. But the neurotics occurred more among officers and the psychotics more among crews. 4) According to the time of hospitalization, the patients who completed their contracts were 38% and the patients who were still under contracts were 62%. There were more psychotics among patients who were still under contracts. 5) We experienced 3 restriction phrenoses among the psychotics who signed themselves out early, which are thought to be specific disease entity related to peculiar lives of sailors. But no definite opinions about restriction neurosis which was termed by Masuho Konuma were suggested. Also further attentions and studies are needed
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