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KCI등재 학술저널

정신분열증에서의 청력장애

Hearing Impairment in Schirophrenia

To evaluate the possible relationship between hearing im pairm ent and schizophrenic disorder, pure tone audiom etry was adm inistered to 195 hospitalized schizophrenics m eeting the crite ria of DSM-111 and a control group o f 307 norm al people. Some aspects concerning the assessment of hearing im pairm ent (age o f onset, duration, type, class and severity o f hearing im pairm ent) w ere investigated. N either the congenitally o r prelingually deaf patients nor the eldery adults over 45 years old w ere included in both groups. Schizophrenics w ere subdivided into tw o subgroups of those w ith hearing im pairm ent (N = 1 7 ) and those w ith norm al hearing (N = 1 7 8 ) and then the onset, subtype (paranoid o r non-paraniod) and duration of schizophrenia plus the experience and persistence o f auditory hallucination w ere compared between the subgroups. The results w ere as follow s : 1) Hearing im pairm ent (hearing loss o f greater than 25 dB as pure tone average in one o r both ears) was identified in 17 cases (8.7% ) o f the schizophrenic group and 8 cases (2.6%) o f the control group (p (0.01). 2) Mean loss o f hearing in both ears was more severe in hearing impaired patients o f the schizophrenic group than in hearing im paired patients o f the control group (p 〈0.05). 3) Onset o f schizophrenia was la te r in schizophrenics w ith hearing im pairm ent than in scnizophrenics w ith normal hearing (p 〈0.05). 4) The long standing o r persistant auditory hallucination occured m ore often in schizophrenics w ith hearing im pairm ent than in schizophrenics w ith norm al hearing (p 〈0.01).

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