최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

家族性 정신분열병과 非家族性 정신분열병과의 硏究

Comparative Study of Schizophrenic Patients with and without Family History

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Since K raerelin described dementia preaecox, Schizophrenia has been w idely considered to be a heterogenous syndrom e. Various approaches have been taken in attem pting to subdivide this disorder into m ore homogenous groups. In addition, it also has been considered that genetic factor may contribute to schizophrenia predisposition and schizophrenia may be genetically heterogenous. The existence of a characteristic that expresses a genetic predisposition to schizophrenia wouJd be helpful in defining a genetically m ore homogenous group. So, th is study was perform ed to evaluate assumptions that schizophrenia could be differentiated on the basis o f fam ily history. We compared tw o groups o f patients distinguished by the presence o r absence of fam ily history, each groups included 34 schizophrenic patients matched by age and sex. these tw o groups o f patients were evaluated on the aspect o f psychopathology, neruom otor function abnorm ality and pathologic reflex. The results are as follow s : 1) There was no significant difference in age o f onset, duration o f illness, frequency o f hospitalization and dosage o f drug detween tw o groups. 2) A t the tim e o f adm ission there was no significant difference in the psychopathology between tw o groups. 3) As fo r the present psychopathology, m ost patients had rem itted from active psychotic symptoms, patiens w ith fam ily h isto ry had significantly more negative symptoms than those w ithout family h isto ry, and patients w ith fam ily h isto ry showed singificantly more increasem ent in negative symptoms from the tim e o f admission to the present than those w ithout fam ily history. 4) We divided the schizophrenia in to three subtypes : postive, negative and m ixed schizophrenia. A t the tim e o f admission there was no significant difference in the rate o f these three subtypes between tw o groups but at present, the proportion o f negative schizophrenic patients were increased in the group o f patients w ith fam ily history and that o f m ixed schizophrenic patients were increased in the guoup o f patients w ithout fam ily history. 5) The to ta l score o f neurom otor function te st w ere n o t significantly d iffe re n t betw een tw o groups. In the individual te st the group o f patients w ith fam ily history showed significantly more abnormal patients in the heel to tap test, and significantly slower speed in the successive finger opposition and heel to tap te s t 6) There was no significant difference in the pathologic re fle x between tw o groups. 7) Among patients w ithout fam ily history, there was sig n itica n t co rre la tio n betw een negative symptoms and neurom otor function abnorm ality.

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