This study was attempted to analyze and evaluate the relationships among Me events, locus of control and state-trait anxiety. The date were collected from 1194 subjects of the age 20 and the above, living in Seoul city. The collected data were analyzed statistically using S.P.S,S. program. The life events were subclassified into 4 variables, (1) positive change (2) negative change (3) total life change (4) negative life change/total life change ratio. The results are summarized as follows: 1. The correlations between life event change and locus of control, state-trait anxiety. 1) Total life change and negative life change have statistically significant positive correlation with state-trait anxiety and negative correlation with locus of control (The locus of control score was counted on the total checked number of the internally oriented item). 2) Positive life change has statistically significant negative correlation with state anxiety but no significance with others. 3) Negative/total life change ratio has statistically significant correlation with state-trait anxiety but not with locus of control. 2. Significance of the differences between twocorrelation coefficient for dependent samples, (by Hotellin^s testing method). 1) Total life change and negative life* change as a life change varicble are proven to be more valuable than negative/total life change ratio. 3. The interaction effect L .O .C . and life change into state-trait anxiety (by two way ANOVA). 1) There’s statistically significant interaction effect L .O .C . and positive life change into trait anxiety. 2) But others do n o t 3) In all cases, L .O .C . has main effect on both state and trait anxiety ig. group with external L .O .C . has more anxiety than that of internal L .O .C . 4) Total life change, negative change and negative/ total life change all have significant main effect on state-trait anxiety, ig. the higher the life change score, the h i^ie r the anxiety score. 4. Influential life event factores on state-trait anxiety in relation to the age group and sex differences, (by stepwise multiple regression). 1) Common statistically significant factors influencing both state and trait anxiety are economy and work, sociability and recreation, achievement and success, marital life, legal torts, family conflicts, employement and retirement, religious life, love affairs and health problem. 2) In men ; economy and work, achievement and success, marital life, examination and schooling, sociability and recreation, and in women ; sociability and recreation, family conflicts love affairs, economy and work, achievement and success are major factors influencing significantly both state and trait anxiety. 3) In early adulthood, examination and schooling, legal torts ; in mid-adulthood, sociability and recreation, economy and work, achievement and success ; in late adulthood, economy and work, family conflicts are major factors significantly influencing both state and trait anxiety.
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