최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

정신과 자문환자의 정신과에 대한 인식 및 수용도

The Concept and Acceptability of Psychiatry in those Patients Referred for Psychiatric Consultation

  • 30

This survey was done to investigate the effect of concept and acceptability of psychiatry in the patients referred for psychiatric consultation on their resistance to psychiatric approach. They were compared with each of the psychiatric outpatients and the general public. 、In general, the concept of psychiatry in the former is similar to that in both the latter. In its degree, however, such concept in the former is relatively lower than in the outpatients. It means that motivation of psychiatric treatment and prior contact with psychiatry could highly influence such concept Those patients consulting a psychiatrist show less acceptability in psychiatric treatment of somatic symptoms than the general public. They also tend to consMer primarily their psysidans, recommendation for psychiatric treatment in comparison with the outpatients. S o it can be said that their acceptability of psychiatry depends upon their Physicians attitude. In each of three groups of subjects, the concept of psychiatry is markedly different from the concept of mental disorder: a large proportion of people still view psychiatry as dealing with only psychoses, while they view mental disorder as including little psychoses. It suggests that their resistance to psychiatric approach m i^ it arise from the misconception of psychiarty rather than of mental disorder. In addition, both the patients consulting a psychiatrist and the general public do not understand distinctly the difference between psychiatry and neurology. Thus, it is emphasized that education and guidance are necessary to make them understand psychiatry correctly.

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