Objective evaluation and diagnosis of the psychiatric disorders have been the main issue of psychiatric field and the evolution of community psychiatry requires standardized means of evaluatioiL And so many self-rating scales have been developed for the purpose of clinical and research works. Among these, the SCL-90 has been useful tool as a rating scale. But since the diagnostic efficacy of SCL-90 is limited in psychotic group and the necessity of the instrument for the evaluation of the neurotic symptoms have been expanded, the modification of SCL-90 was attempted and “Symptom Check List for Minor Psychiatric Disorders (SCL-MPD)” was developed. The present study was focused on the test of reliability and validity of Korean version of SCLMPD with the comparison between neurotic and normal control groups. The result obtained were as follows ; 1) The reliability coefficient of symptom dimensions were satisfactory, ranging from .733 (neurasthenic) to .915 (anxiety). 2) The correlation coefficient of each items were significant, ranging from .388 to .781. 3) The correlation coefficient of symptom dimensions were significant, ranging from .045 to •931. 4) In all symptom dimensions, there were significant differences between neurotic group and normal controls. 5) Except only 3 items, all the items were revealed as useful self-report tools. 6) Scores of symptoms and total score were significant in the differences between neurotics and normal controls. 7) In the ranks of symptom frequency, the symptom most frequently complained was item No. 24 (Overconcem about unusual body signs or sensation), and in normal controls was item No. 6 (Trouble remembering things). In conclusion, the present study demonstrated that Korean version of SCL-MPD was highly significant and useful self-rating tool.
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