A clinical study of aggression was performed on 379 inpatknts, who admitted at Neuropsychiatric Department, Pusan Paik Hospital, In-Je Medical College, from June 1985 to May 1986, Among the patients, 48 patients (12.7%) show overt aggression, such as physical aggression against other people, against objects, against self, and verbal aggression, and 114 incidents were observed during that time. The results are as follows ; 1) Among the aggressive patients, there were more males than females, and more young than old. 2) The differences in the number of aggressive patients by education state were statistically not significant 3) Among the aggressive patients, the most commonly represented diagnosis was the diagnostic group of organic psychotic condition and mental retardation, next, personality disorder, schizophrenia. 4) Forced patients in the course of admission were much more aggressive than the adviced or voluntary patients. 5) Most of aggressive incidents (76.3%) were observed within 1 Month, especially within 2 weeks (50%). 6) AH incidents of aggression were petty. 7) Patients with explosive premorbid peronality were highly aggressive, and patients with paranoid or borderline premorbid personality were relatively more aggressive than patients with other premorbid personality. 8) Most of the incidents occurred during the daytime, especially during from 6 P.M. to 9 P.M. (25.4%). 9) Charge doctors were the commonest targets (32.5%), next nursing staff (21.1%), and male nursing aides (14.0%). 10) Anger (35.1%) was the commonest emotion associated with aggressive behavior, next, teasing (23.7%), and rage (14.9%). 11) Medication, restraint, or combination of medication and restraint were more frequently used than interview in the management of aggressive schizophrenia, organic psychotic condition and mental retardation, and visa versa in the management of personality disorder.
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