최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

주요우울증환자와 정신분열증환자에 대한 부분수면박탈의 항우울효과

The Antidepressant Effect of Partial Sleep Deprivation on Major Depression and Schizophrenic Groups

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The authors studied the antidepressant effects of partial sleep deprivation in 20 major depression and 20 schizophrenic patients at inpatient service, Department of Psychiatry, Keimyung University Hospital. The results were as follows; 1) There were significant redution of mean HDRS scores in both major depression group and schizophrenic group after partial sleep deprivation, from 15.80±5.47 to 11.90土5,97 in major depression group and from 13.40土3.44 to 11.90土4.60 in schizophrenic group. 2) Among individual items of HDRS, depressed mood and psychomotor retardation improved most significantly after partial sleep deprivation in both major depression group and schizophrenic group. 3) Six of twenty major depression patients (30%) and four of twenty schizophirenic patients (20%) made improvement above 30% of HDRS scores after partial sleep deprivation (designated as Responder). The rate of responder did not differ significantly between major depression group and schizophrenic group. 4) The responder scored significantly higher in depressed mood and psychomotor retardation of HDRS before sleep deprivation than nonresponder. 5) Among major depression group, female patients and patients with melancholic symotoms had significantly better response to partial sleep deprivation. 6) The DST-nonsuppressor did not respond to partial sleep deprivation any better than the DSTsuppressor in both major depression group and schizophrenic group.

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