최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

주정중독 환자 배우자의 불안과 우울 성향 및 가정 생활

Anxious and Depressive Trends in Wives of Alcoholics And Some Aspects of Marital Interaction

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This study was designed to investigate the anxious and depresive trends in the wives of alcohholic patients. For the purpose of assessment of anxiety and depressoion, Zung,s self-rating anxiety- (SAS) and depression scales(SDS) were applied to the fifty wives of alcoholics, the latter were admitted to the psychiatric wards of Taegu Catholic Hosp. and Kyungpook National Univ. Hosp. from Jan. 1 ’84 to Sep. 30 ’85 and were diagnosed according to DSM- criteria. And the two scales were also applied to the fifty wives of social drinkers as a control group. The results were as follows; 1) The mean SAS scores were 53.06土 9.66 in the wives of alcoholics and 38,64 士 8.75 in the control group and so the difference was significant in anxious trends (p〈0.01) between two groups. 2) The mean SDS scores were 54.00土 10.20 in the wives of alcoholics and 42.64 土 7.80 in the control group and so the difference was significant in depressive trends (p (0.01) too between two groups. 3) As for the frequency order of the SAS items in the wives of alcoholics, they were apprehension, insomnia, restlessness and fear. As for the frequency order of the SDS items in the wives of alcoholics, they were confusion, decreased libibo, decreased appetite and psychomotor retardation. 4) As for the wife s attitude toward her husband, n a g g in g a n d in t e r f e r in g a t t it u d e w as comiiionest(46%) in the wives of alcoholics in contrast to the gentle and tender attitude(48%) in the wives of social drinkers. 5) 62% of wives of alcoholics were dissatisfied with their sexual life but the degree of dissatisfaction was low to 8% in the wives of social drinkers.

서 론

연구대상 및 방법

연 구 결 과

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