최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

미혼의과대학생들의 성행위에 관한 연구

Sexual Behavior o f Unmarried Medical Students

  • 15

In order to study sexual behavior among unmarried college students, the author conducted a sur vey by questionnaire method to 710 unmarried medical students of the Yonsei University College of Medicine (m ale : 573, female : 137). The questionnaire is consist of 74 items which can get general informations of sexual behavior and attitudes. The results of this survey are summariazed as follows. 1) M ost students experienced their first ejaculation (orgasm) thro ug h m a stu rb a tio n (m a le : 7 5 .7% , fem ale : 60.7%). 2) According to our data, 95.7% of the male students and 61.4% of the female students have masturbatory experiences. 89.3% of the male students and about half of the female students utilized mannual stimulation During one year prior to the questionnaire, 75% of the male students and 27.5% of the female students have masturbated at least once per weak. The average age of the first masturbatory experience was 15.2 + 3.7 years for the male and female students respectively. The male students initisated masturbation significantly earlier than the female students. 3) 31.1% of the male students and 10% of the female students have experienced sexual coitus. The average age of the first coital experience was 20.0 土 2.4 years for male students, 19.0 士 4.34 years for the female students. There was no significant age difference of the first coital experience between male and female. Their first coital partner was a prostitute in 50% of the male students. For the female students, their first coital partner was either a boyfriend or a lover in 75% of those who have experienced coitus. D uring one uear prior to the wurvey, 40.9% of the experienced male students had sexual coitus at least once per month, however, about 65% of the experienced female students had sexual coitus only once or twice per year. There was significant difference of the frequency of sexual coitus between male and female studnts. 4) The religion was not a significant factor in masturbation and coitus experiences. However, among those who had a religion, highly religious students showed significantly lower rate of masturbation and coitus experience than less religiously inclined students.

서 론

연구대상 및 방법

연 구 결 과

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