For the purpose of evaluating possible linkage between alcoholism and depression, dexamethasone suppression test (DST) was performed to 15 alcoholics, 8 major depressives, and 11 non-depressive psychiatric inpatients. The alcoholics were tested twice ; in the intoxicated and recovered state. Dexamethasone suppression Test(DST) using 1 mg of dexamethasone was performed in 49 subjects, and serum cortisol concentration was determined by radioimmunoassay using the Coat-A-Count Procedure. The results were as follows; 1) Basal serum cortisol levels were higher in the major depressives and the alcoholics than in the non depressive psychiatric inpatients. 2) Post-dexamethasone serum cortisol levels were also higher in the major depressives and the alcoholics than in the non-depressive psychiatric inpatients. 3) Basal serum cortsol levels of the intoxicated and recovered alcoholics were proved to be equally elevated, comparing with those of the non-depressive inpatients. 4) Non-suppressor of DST was detected none of the non-depressive inpatients, in 25% of the major depressives, 20% of the intoxicated alcoholics and in 33.3% of the recovered alcoholics. With the above results, the authors could suggest the possibility that there are considerable cases of primary depression among the alcoholics.
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