최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

소동통우울증과 다동통우울증간의 통각내성치에 대한 Naloxone 효과의 차이

Difference of Naloxone Effect on Pain Tolerance between Depression with Low Pain Symptoms and Depression with High Pain Symptoms

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To examine the hypothesis that the depressives with high pain symptoms has a different level of endorphinergic activity from that of the depressives with low pain symptoms, the authors measured pain tolerance before and after naloxone injection in the 2 groups. Nine female subjects with major depression (DSM-III) with high pain symptoms and 9 females with major depression with low pain symptoms entered the study and 9 normal healthy females were used as a control grpup. Pain tolerances were measured, by Electrical Cutaneous Stimulation method before and after intravenous injection of either naloxone (6mg) or normal saline in one morning and the other in the next morning by double blind cross-over method in 2 consecutive days. The results were as follows; 1) A significant decrease in pain tolerance was noted after naloxone injection in the depressives with low pain symptoms, but not in the depressives with high pain symptoms and in the normal controls. 2) There was no significant change in pain tolerance after injection of normal saline in any of the 3 groups. From these results, the authors suggest that the endorphinergic system of the depressives with low pain is activated but that of the depressives with high pain is not.

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연구대상 및 방법

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