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KCI등재 학술저널

학생 및 비행 청소년의 성관심도와 문제행동유형 간의 관계

A Relationship between the Problem Behavioal Patterns and the Sexual Curiosity of Student Adolescents and Delinquent Adolescents

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The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between the problem behavioral patterns and the sexual curiosity of student adolescents and delinquent adolescents, and to collect baseline data for the establishment of effective measure to prevent the problem behaviors. The results were as follows; 1) There was no difference of sexual curiosity between students and delinquents except sexual curiosity about the sex articles like “Unsound dance”, ^Extramarital affair”. 2) Among the problem behavioral patterns, Student adolescents showed predominantly problem behaviors such as “Socialized adult modeling behavior” : frequenting youth forbidden movies, frequenting adult entertainment places, modeling of actors and heroes, and “Undersocialized school-norm avoidant behavior” : escape from cleaning work in school, tardiness, cheating from examination, escape from morning meeting and athletic hours, and “Undersocialized nonaggressive behavior” : rejecting teacher’s advice, late night outing, neglecting home work, loitering, alcohol drinking, cigarette smoking, While delinquent adolescents mone frequently conducted “Socialized sexual behavior,,: dating, embracing, kissing, homosexuality, premarital coitus, and “Socialized latent aggressive behavior” : associating with bad companione and circles, stealing from home, shop-lifting. 3) The sexual curiosity of student adolescents was significantly correlated with problem behavioral patterns, whereas problem behavioral patterns of delinquents didn’t show significant correlation with all the sexual curiosity scales except “Prostitution”. Student adolescents considerably concerned for ‘‘Sex scandal” and “Sex relation with lover” showed “socialized adult modeling behavior,,while student adolescents who had concerned highly over 9 sexual curiosity scales except “Sex scandal” showed “socialized latent aggressive behavior.” 4) A comparison of sexual curiosity scales in terms of predictability revealed that “Sex relation with lover” (3.8%) variable functioned as the most important determinant of problem behavioral patterns. Among the sexual curiosity variables, “Sex confession” (3.0%), “Sex scandal” (2.3%), “Prostitution” (2.0%) were contributing factors of problem behavioral patterns in this order

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연구대상 및 방법

연 구 결 과

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