The purpose of this study is to assess the degree of depression and anxiety of the pregnant and the postpartum by means of questionnaire method of Self- Rating Depression Scale (SDS) and State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (ST AL). The subject consisted of 89 pregnant women of third trimester visited, and 79 postpartum women in the third day after childbirth admitted in the obstetrics and gynecologic department of Seoul Red Cross Hospital from April, 1985 to December, 1985, and 93 mothers of nursery school children as control group. In the mean age of the subject, the pregnant was 27.0 土 2.1, the postpartum was 27.5 土 2.9,and the control group was 32.9 + 4.8. The mean education levels were 12.80 yrs. 12.46 yrs and 11.70 yrs respectively The results were as follows; 1) Pregnant women showed higher scores on State- Anxiety(S-A) than postpartum women and higher scores on SDS and S-A than controls. Postpartum women showed higher scores on SDS than controls. 2) Multigravida showed slightly higher scores on SDS and significantly higher seores on S-A and Trait- Anxiety(T-A) than primipara. 3) The pregnant women with abortive experience showed higher seores on SDS than those without abortive experience. The postpartum women with abortive experience showed higher scores on S-A and T-A than 4) The postpartum women of cesarean-section delivery showed significantly higher scores on SDS and slightly higher scores on S-A and T-A than those of normal delivery. 5) Among the pregnant and the postpartum, the women of common marital relationship showed higher scores on SDS, S-A and T-A than those of good. 6) The pregnant or the postpartum did not show significant emotional change by the sex of wanting baby or the sex of newborn baby. 7) The postpartum women of middle-high financial stats showed higher scores on SDS than those of middle-low. those without abortive experience.
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조사대상 및 방법
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