Eight hundred and forty two inpatients and 557 outpatients were consulted to psychiatrists in Severence medical records of these patients were compared between two populations. The consultation rate of inpatients population was 2.82% among the total admitted patients. This rate is higher than those of the previous studies in the same hospital in 1976 and 1981. The consultation rate in outpatient population was 0.33%, however, the proportion of consulted patients among total new outpatients during study period was 24.7%. The demographic data showed no significant finding except the increased number of geriatric patients. In inpatient population, most patients(52.6%) were consulted from the department of internal medicine. In outpatient population, most patients(32.0%) were referrd from the department of neurology (Table 2). The main reasons of consultation were requesting psychiatric evaluation of patients somatic complaints and recommendation of treatment methods. The most frequent complaints of patients were those of central nervous system in both inpatient and outpatient populations. The most frequent diagnosis made by psychiatric consultants were depressive disorder in both papulations(Table 4). However, the concordance rate in recommendation of psychotropic medication. In 123 inpatients(14.6%), the psychiatric report were not made, reflecting the lack of responsibility of psychiatrists in consultation-liaison service. In the light of these finding, the importances of consultation service in the outpatient clinic were dis- Hospital, Yonsei University in 1984. The data from cussed.
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