The authors have studied the relationships between precipitating factors evaluated by the social readjustment rating scales, and risk scores, rescue scores, riskrescue scores of 295 suicide attempters who admitted to Han Gang Sacred Heart Hospital from Mar. 1981 to Jul. 1984. The results are as follows; 1) The most frequent precipiting factor of suicidal attempts classified by the social readjustment rating scale was change in the frequency of arguments with spouse(16.3%) and next one was difficulty in friendship with opposite sex(12.7%). 2) There were no significant differences in risk scores, rescue scores, and risk-rescue scores between large life stress group and small stress group which were divided at the score of 300 in the social readiustment rating scale. 3) There were no significant differences in risk scores, recue scores, and risk-rescue scores among the categories of social readjustment rating scale. 4) The social readjustment rating scale was significantly correlated with rescue scores(p=0.045, Y=0.00198X+7.436) but not with risk and risk and rescue scores.
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