The authors estimated plasma cyclic AMP in 10 schizophrenic patients who had not received neuroleptic treatment and who had received neuroleptic treatment for 2 weeks, and 6 normal volunteers. 1} Though slightly lower than controls, plasma cyclic AMP in schizophrenics(15.95 士 3*23 pmol/100ml) (mean士standard error) was not significantly different from controls. 2) 2weeks after medication with neuroleptics ,the plasmacyclic AMP in schizophrenics (13.35 土1.16 pmol /100ml) was lower than drug —free groups,but there is no statistical significance. 3) Plasmacyclic AMP in males (20. 00 土6.10pmol/100ml in schizophrenics, 11.17±1.45pmol /100ml in males) were somewhat higher than controls, but there is no statistical significance.
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