최근 검색어 전체 삭제
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KCI등재 학술저널

정신과 자문환자의 Alexithymia 에 대한 연구 —Schalling-Sifneos Personality Scale에 의한一

A Study of Alexithymia in Consulted Medical Patients —By Use of Schalling-Sifneos Personality Scale—

  • 22

The authors attempted to find out the alexithymic tendency from consulted medical patients by the use of Sc hailing 一 Sifneos personality scale which ,is one of the instrument to measure alexithymia. The subjects were consisted of 31 consulted medical patients in National Medical Center and their psychiatric diagnoses were 25 somatoform disotder and 6 psychosomatic disorder. Control group was consisted of 38 persons selected from general population. The conclusions were as follows: 1)Patients of somatoform disorder and psychosomatic disorder showed lower mean SSPS score than control group, but not revealed statistically significant differences between them. 2) There was no difference between the patients of somatoform disorder and psychosomatic disorder. 3) Fot their sexual differences, male patient group and male control group were presented more alexithymic tendency than both female group. 4) Also alexithymic tendency were showed more in old aged patient group than younger patient group. 5) Findings of this study suggest that most of old aged male consulted medical patients were considered in the aspect of alexithymia and also no differences of SSPS scale between patient group and control group, so the authors recommended that further understanding and clinical attention on the alexithymia were needed.

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