최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

연령별 월경상태와 월경주기증상

The Characteristics and Symptoms of Menstrual Cycle in Different Age Groups

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As a part of the study of the characteristics of menstrual cycle and the symptoms during menstrual cycle in Korean women, the authors surveyed 464 women in general population in Daegu area. To understand how the characteristics of menstrual cycle and the symptoms during menstrual, cycle vary according to age groups, this study analizes the age of menarche, the regularity of cycle, the duration of period, the age at which the cycle became regular, the premenstrual symptoms, and the other symptoms during menstrual cycle. The results were as follows : 1) The mean age of menarche was 14.7 years old in this probands, and the younger the age, the menstrual cycler was significantly different among the age groups, higher proportion of regular cycler in 30’s and 4G’s than 20 s and higher in 20,s than 10,s. The mean duration of menstrual cycle was 28.7 days and there were no significant differences among the age groups. 3) The mean age at which the cycle became regular was 16.9 years old, About 2 years after menarche, the menstrual cycle became regular. 4) The mean duration of the menstrual period was 4.8 days and was significantly longer in 10,s, In 10’s, the period began in sudden onset and. there was heavy intensity of flow during period. The proportion of women with light intensity of flow during period was significantly higher in 30s than 10*8 or 20’s. 5) The frequencies of premenstrual symptoms was 77.6%. The frequencies of the symptoms over moderate severity was 13.4%. Although there were no significant differences among the age groups, proportion of women with clearly percieved symptoms were higher among 30s and 4ᄋ’s than 10’sand 20’s. 6) The frequencies of the menstrual pain was 55% and significantly lower in 40*s. The frequencies earlier the menarche. of pain during ovulation was 26.1% and there were 2} The menstrual cycle was regular in 51.3% no significant differences among the age groups, of the probands, and the proportion of the regular

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