최근 검색어 전체 삭제
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KCI등재 학술저널

Alcoholism 과 우울

Alcoholism and Depression

  • 6

Alcoholism and depression are major psydiiatric problems and any evidence pointing toward a shared etioloical factors should have great impact on the practice of psychiatry, the burden of cost, and suffering born by society, patients, and their families. Then the author intented to evaluate the correlation between those researches on aloo holism and depression. With a thorough review of the literature^ the author reached the following results. Before looking at research findings, we must be careful about the meaning of terms. The word ”depression used in broad scale: a sad or dysphoric mood, insomnia, anorexia, loss of concentration or psychomotor retardation. Alcohol dependence syndrome used in broad scale also: alcoholism, alcoholics and alcohol intoxication. Other definition of the word will must be specified. Symptom that are similar to some of those of depressive illness are common in both the drinking and withdrawal alcoholic.These however, are not typical of serious endogenous illness. They are marked by dysphoria and mixed with the anxiety. Response to medication often used in the treatment of depression (antidepressants, neuroleptics and lithium) is seen but is not yet demonstrably specific. Among those alcoholic patients who do suffer from serious depressive illness and a high rate of suicidal behavior, a family background of serious depressive illness is more common than expected. Furthermore, a subset of families in whom alcoholism is prevalent ten-ds to have a large numbers of family members especially female, who suffer from depression alone and not alcoholism. This depression is essentially, indistinguishable from that seen in a typical endogenous depression. Some unstable personality characteristics and a chaotic social life tend to characterize these patients. Bipolar affective disease has yet to be linked with alcohlism conclusively.

서 론

알콜 직접 중독에 의한 우울

알콜 금단중의 우울

알콜리즘에 이차적으로 오는 우울

회복된 알콜리즘 환자에서의 우울

알콜리즘과 우울중의 가족관계

알콜리즘과 양극성 정동정애

결 론

