This study was designed to analyze the characteristics of 27 headache patients who were referred to our biofeedbaek clime at Seoul NationalUniversity Hospital from Mar. 1985 to Aug. 1985, to find the causes of drop~ out in biofeedbaek treatment which mounted to 82% and to present 4 case studies with graphs of hand - temperature change, EMG change, Headache Index change, drug dosage change. For this purpose A d Hoc committe ’s classification of headache was used and open questionaire was mailed twice to every drop - out patient The results are: 1) The average headache duration was 5.6 years and the most frequent type of headache was muscle contraction headache (40.7 % ), next, combined headache ( 29.6% ), psychogenic headache ( 14.8%) migraine headache (14.8 % ). 2) The causes of drop-out were mainly. (1) Lack of faith in therapeutic outcome. (2) Relatively high biofeedbaek session fee. 3) In 4 case analysis two of the biofeedbaek trainer could abort migraine attack by hand temperature elevation and EMG biofeedbaek with progressive muscle relaxation showed some therapeutic effects in tension headache and anxiety disorder.
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