최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

佛教의 唯識思想과 分析精神治療 理論의 比較 試論

Some Theoretical Comparisons between Yogacara Buddhism and Analytical Psychotherapy

  • 6

While there are many articles on the Son ( Zen ) Buddhism and its psychotherapeutic implications in the Eastern and Western countries, Yogacara Buddhism was rarely studied in the aspect of psychotherapy. The authors reviewed Yogacara theories and compared them with the theories of analytical psychotherapy, hoping to find out the possibilities to incorporate the Yogacara theories into the theories of psychotherapy. Alaya - viji&na ( Store 一 consciousness) is a consciousness which is the foundation of ail acts of thought The impressions of the whole of past experience are stored up in it Alaya - vijnana is comparable to the psychological concept of the unconscious. Especially it is very similar to the Jungian unconsciousness which has both personal and collective components. The process of turning avidya (ignorance ) into vidya ( enlightenment) is comparable to the insight - oriented psychotherapy.Therefore Yogacara Buddism might provide the expanding knowledge and the scope of psychotherapy and the philosophical basis of psychotherapists

序 餘

資料 및 方法

唯嫌思想의 概耍



