최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

용인정신병원에 내원한 행려정신질환자들의 특성에 관한 조사

The Characteristics of Homeless Mentally 111 Patients Admitted to Yong-In Mental Hospital

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This retrospective survey was designed to investigate the socio - demographic and psychiatric characteristics, and to clarify the tentative course of homeless mentally ill patients. One hundred and twelve homeless mentally ill patients who had been admitted to Yong—In Mental Hospital were selected during the period of March 1983 to Feb. 1984. The results were as follows: 1) Sex ratio of the 112 subjects was 1: 1.5. O f these subjects, three — fourths were under 40 and 9 percent were above 50 years old. 2) Fifty — three percent had never married and 24 percent already had divorced or seperated. A mong above 30 of age, 41 percent had never marred and 45 percent already had divorced or seperated. Seventy — three percent of men were unmarried. The proportion of divorcee of women was higher than that of men. 3) Sixty — seven percent of the subjects were schizophrenia, 7 percent affective disorder, 8 percent alcohol dependency or alcoholic psychosis, 6 percent organic brain syndrome, and 9 percent epilepsy and mental retardation respectively. 4) Eighty five percent had more than two years of morbid duration and most of them took chronic course. 5 ) Fifty percent had history of previous psychiatric hospitalization, and 46 percent had history of asylum institutionalization. Only 23 percent had no history of psychiatric hospitalization or asylum in* stitutio nalizati on. 6) Sixty three percent were hospitalized at Yong -In Mental Hospital over six - months. 7) Referral sources at admission of Y o n g - In Mental Hospital were police, asylum and general hospital which 50 percent by police, 44 percent asylum and 6 percent from general hospitaL Thirty three percent of the 72 discharged patients were discharged by relatives ( including family }, and 51 percent have been referred to asylum. 8 ) The authors compared the characteristics, that of age, sec, marital status, clinical diagnosis,morbid duration admission duration and route of discharge between fresh cases who had no history of psychiatric hospitalization or asylum institutionalization and chronic accumulated cases who had history of psychiatric hoepitalwation or asylum institutionalization. Also the authors compared the characteristics including history of previous psychiatric hospitalization or asylum institutionalization and source of referral between subgroup with relatives and subgroup without relatives.

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