This study was attempted to assess the various clinical features of the adolescent patients who visited child psychiatry OPD during the period from January ,1980 to December,1984 The subjects were 369 adolescents. The results were as follows :1) A dolescent patients were 15.7 % of total child psychiatry patients, and early adolescence were the highest in number in both sexes. Sex ratio almost 2:1. 2) The diagnostic distribution was : the schizo phrenia (ll .4 %) ,anxiety disorder (11.4 % ) depression (11.1%) tic disorder (8 .9 %) , in ord er of frequency. 3) The most frequent chief complaint was somatic complaints (26 .7 %) , and the nexts were emotional symptoms , poor social or interpersonal relationship problems , bizarre or inappropriate behavior in order of frequency . 4) The most frequent duration of illness was above 3 years (28 %) and the next was between 1 month and 6 months (23 .7 %) . Fifty - nine of 369 were hospitalized. 5) Among the ad mitted patients, the diagnostic proportio n was as follow : schizophrenia (25.4 %), tic disorder, behavior disorder, personality disord er, in order of frequency . 6) The proportion of referal with in SNUH was 28.7% and the largest source of referral was from pediatric department (7 .3 %) or neurology department (7.3%) 7) More than a half of total patients were treated for less than a month .
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