The purpose of this study is to compare to the effects that the experience of the masterbation and the sexual awareness in adolescence influence to the marital satisfaction. The subjects of this research were 555 couples, normal couples of the middle class people living in Seoul, from June 1984 to August 1984, and 162 couples, the patient couples of the same class. The results acquired by means of the questionnaire method are as follows. 1) As to the sexual awareness : Both the normal group and the patient qroup have gene- rally positive attitude (70 % ), but the female in the patient group have more negative attitude than others. 2) As to the relation of the sexual awareness with sexual satisfaction:Both the normal and the patient group have high degree when they have positive sexual awareness. But the patient group (the female & the male) is lower than normal group in sexual satisfaction regardless of the positive sexual awareness. 3) As to the relation of the sexual aware-ness with the marital satisfaction : When the groups have the positive sexual awareness, the marital satisfaction is high. But in patient group , the marital satisfaction is a little lower than the norma], even though they have the positive sexual awareness. 4) As to the masterbation : 80 - 90% of the male in the groups experienced the masterbation, and 30 - 40% of the female did. 5) As to the relation of the experience of the masterbation with the sexual satisfaction:The female (in the normal & patient group)who had the experience of the masterbation, have little sexual satisfaction. 6) As to the relation of the experience of the masterbation with the marital satisfaction : Especially the female (in the normal & patient group) who had the experience of the masterbation have the low marital satisfaction. 7) As to the frequency of the masterbation : The patient group is higher than the normal. But there is little compulsive masterbation in. the patient group & the normal. 8) As to the relation of the frequency of the masterbation with the sexual satisfactio n :In the normal & the patient group , the frequency of the masterbation does not influence to the sexual satisfaction. But especially in the female the frequency of the masterbation has related positively with the sexual dissatisfaction. 9) As to the relation of the frequency of the masterbation with the marital satisfaction: There is no difference between the normal & the patient group.But there is some difference bet - ween the male and the female. In the famale the increase of the frequency of the masterbation causes the marital dissatisfaction . 10) As to the sexual satisfactio n : The normal group (83.9% ) is higher than the patient group (66.2%). But in general the sexual satisfaction (in the normal & the patient) is over 65%. So it shows that sexual satifaction is related closely with the marital satisfaction
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