Despite of low prevalence rate of somatization disorder by‘ DIS - III Korean Version ’(0 .0 3 % in Seoul 0.2 % in Ruralarea) , many patients with somatic complaints have wanted psychiatric help . To expior the characteristics of somatic symptoms in general population the author, analysed 5 ,147epidemiologic data of DIS-III Korean Version on somatization in detail( 3,163 in Seoul and 1984 in rural area ). The results were as follows . 1 ) Females had more somatic symptoms than males . The average numbers of symptoms were 1.7 5 in females and 0.72 in males . 2 ) The older age group had more symptoms than the younger age group . The average numbers of symptoms were 0.78 in age ,18 - 24 ,1.14 in 25 - 44 , and 1.60 in 45- 65 . 3 ) The average number of symptoms in rural area (1.52) was higher than that in Seoul (1.09) . Espe- cially, sickly ,pain and cardiopulmonary symptoms were significantly higher in rural area 4 ) The most frequent symptoms were headache, pain and cardiopulmonary symptoms had higher frequency relatively. 5 ) The proportion o f the subject , having 5 or more symptoms (risk group) was 6.8 % of all population and that of higher risk group (having 10 or more symptoms) was 1.1 % As the number of symptoms increased , female was more prevailing . 6 ) Comparing the education level between the risk group and fewer symptom group,the members of risk group had more low educational experience and those of fewer group had more high educational experience . 7 ) Comparing the occupational distribution bet-ween two groups,risk group was significantly prevailing in unemployer and had lower rate in clerical and related workers . 8 ) In risk group,sex difference of each symptoms was not revealed . The difference among three age groups was noticed in some symptom categories . In sickly symptom , the older age group was significantly more prevailing than the younger age group.The symptoms of gastrointestinal and female- reproductive system had a tendency to decrease in older age group.
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