최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

女性受刑者의 文身

Tattoo and Female Prisoner

  • 10

Until now, as we have a low opinion of social and personal problems of female tattooed and self-injured person, no survey about the nature of crime for them have been reported, ever not studied about prisons. The author tried to survey them were kept in prisons where located in Pusan, Kyung Nam and Kyung Book area, Korea. The tattoo were analized as follow: the frequency of tattoo with self-injury, age distrbution of first experiences of tattoo, it’s content, degree of pain when tattooing, place and attitudes toward their tattoo, growing area and level of education, •and final job before convicted. And further more were investigated their offences such as convicted frequency and nature of offences. A ll the investigated data which came from tattoo, self-injured with tattoo were compared with female prisoner who has not self-injured and/or tattoo on body surface. 1. Total number of tattooed and self-injured person was 4.5 percent in 57.2 percent female prisoners. Most prevalent form of self-injured was tattoo (3.8), and self-injured was ᄋ. 5 percent, but tattooed with self-injured was only 0. 2 percent. 2. Lots of tattooed were perfomed their bodypainting and or self-injury afte adolescence (after age of 18 years). 3. Among the various content of tattooes, dot like tattoo on both or one side forearm most frequently seen (61. 5%), and the dot tattoo had meaning carrying sign of keeping their eternal friendship. The letter and figure tattoo were less commonly found(26.9%) than in male tattoo. 4. Most tattooers were perfomed under not drunken state, and not sober was only 11. 5 percent. It means that on pain experienced when tattooing. 5. Educational level of the tattooed and selfinjured group was more lower than non-tattooed female criminal, but they lived urban area (76.9%) 6. Possibility percentage of crime in tattooed was visible on first born in sibling number. More lower percentage of parental loss than non-tattooed observed in tattooed criminals. 7. In job of them, simple recording job such as paper working was more proness to make problem. 8. Their main patterns of crime were larceny (30.896) and imposture (15.4%), next, the crime of violence (11. 5%). The possibility of second or more offenses were higher in them (46.196). 9. When they do second offenses, the same tendency of crime which was convicted at first was showed

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