The authors evaluated the relationship between‘life change,and infectious disease such as acute viral hepatitis and typhoid fever. These ‘life changes’ were experienced during the year before the onset of illess. By use of ‘Recent Life Change Questionaire,, data were collected from informal, personal interview with 55 cases of acute viral hepatitis, 39 cases of typhoid fever, 56 cases of neurotic disorder and 92 subjects were used as control. Some of the results and conclusions are as foilows: 1. In the analysis of mean LCU (*Life Change Unit’), the subjects of acute viral hepatitis(271 LCU), and typhoid fever(252 LCU) have more of ‘life changes’ than did the control group (160, LCU) significant to p < 0 .001. 2. The analysis of categories of ‘life change,. a) Those subjects with acute viral hepatitis have more ‘Life Changes’ in the category of ‘Chanᅳge of Marital Life’,‘Change of Health’and Change of Personal, Social Life’ than did the control group significant to p < 0 .001. b) Those subjects with typhoid fever have more‘life changes’ in the category of ‘Change of Faᅳmily Life’ and ‘Change of Health, than did the: control group significant to p < 0 .001. 3. In conclusion, there are statistically meanin- hepatitis and typhoid fever, gful relationships between ‘life change’and the This result supports the hypothesis that onset of infectious disease such as acute viral immune system may be changed by stress.
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