Reactive psychosis is a concept developed against endogenous psychosis and is characterized by acute onset, definite precipitant and relative good outcome. To understand the characteristics of reactive psychosis, the authors studied 29 patients of reactive psychois who were admitted to Dongsan medical center of Keimyung University School of medicine from Jan 1, 1983 to June 30, 1985. The results are as follows: 1 . Among 29 reactive psychosis patients, 13 patients made complete symptomatic recovery within 2 weeks after onset (brief reactive psychosis group), and 16 patients did not (none-brief reactive psychosis group). 2. There are no significant differences of sex, age of onset, marital status, educational level and premorbid function between two groups. There are four patients with family psychotic history in brief reactive psychosis group, but none in none brief reactive psychosis group. 3. The presenting symptoms on admission were insomnia, incoherent speech, delusion, violence, depression, agitation, withdrawal, hallucination and suicide in order of frequency in both group. There were no significant differences between two groups. 4. The precipitating events were various, family and occupational problems were frequent in both group. 5. During first two weeks after onset, both groups were treated with antipsychotics but, although none significant statistically, none brief reactive psychosis group were treated with slightly higher daily dosage of antipsychotics than brief reactive psychosis group
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