The effect of adrenalectom y on renal handing of Li+ and associated Li+-induced diuresis was studied in rabbits. Bilateral adrenalectom y w as performed on experimental rabbits and adrenals were identified but not disturbed on sham operated controls. On the fifty day of surgery, single intravenous injection of Li+(2m Eq/kg) in the form of chloride was given. After then 10,30,60 minutes samples were collected from carotid artery and urinary bladder. Urinary flow rate,Na+, K +, Li+ and osm olarity at baseline a fte r Li+ w ere m easured together w ith the plasm a concentration of them . Li+ and osm olar • clearance w ere calculated and com pared betw een groups. Followings are the results obtained: 1. Before single injection of Licl, urinary flowrate was lower in adrenalectomized roup than in control group, bu t u rin a ry osm olar concentration of adrenalectomized animal was somewhat higher than that of control. 2 .In control group, single large dose of Licl produced a severe water diuresis, natriuresis and kaliuresis with decreased urine osm olarity. 3. In adrenalectom ized group, Li+-induced diuresis was also observed but was far below the level shown by control rabbits. 4. In spite of higher concentration in urinary Na+,K+,and osmolarity of adrenalectom ized rabbits, decreased urinary flow rate led their urinary excretion rates to be lower than those of control rabbits. 5. After single large dose of Licl, plasma Li+ concentration decayed m ore rapidly in adrenalectomized group. On the contrary, urinary excretion decreased markedly compared to thaf of control group. 6. From above results, author conclude that fist load of Li+ to adrenalectomized rabbits result in a limited urinary excretion of Li+ probablely due to facilitating the accumulation of Li+ in renal medulla. Also, author conclude that limitation of Li+- induced inhibition of water reabsorption in collecting duct may be an important factor rather than limitation of inhibition of solute reabsorption incom plete Li+ -induced diuresis found in adrenalectomy.
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실 험 방 법
실 험 성 적
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