Authors studied the antidepressant effect of nortriptyline on depression and withdrawal in admitted male chronic achizophrenic patients by dcuble blind methcd for 5 weeks of duration at Yong-In Mental Hospital. Sample size was forty one cases consisting of 21 nortriptyline grcup and 20 placebogroup. The results were as follows: 1) In nortriptyline group, there were no significant change in m ean BPRS scores, compared with those of placeto group. However decrease of mean BPRS score frcm 11.50 to 6.54 was observed. 2) There were no significant change in mean BDI scores in nortriptyline group compared with those of placebo group but also decrease of mean BDI score from 40. 90 to 35.23 was observed. 3) In nortriptyline group there were no significant change of total DOTES scores throughout the study. None of total DOTES scores was found to be significantly d ifferen t from those of placebo group.
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연구대상 및 방법
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