최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

죽음에 대한 태도조사

Attitudes Toward Death

  • 30

In this attitude survey making use of Qmethodclgy , the authors attempted to identify the attituds of the lay people tcward death in order to provide materials availab e for understanding and taking care of the patients facing death for the medical personel. The 44 statements concernirg opinions and attitudes toward death , suicide, funeral rites, capital punishment, religion, human life, and the world, and a notice of death to a patient were Q-sorted by 34males and 26 females of various backgrounds. The data were statistically treated by Q factor analysis and 6 characteristic factors cculd be extracted. The characteristic features of each factor were as follows: Factor A :The subjects of this factor believe in the future existence and recognize the meaning of religion, and hope to discuss the problem of death frankly with a positive a ttitude toward notice of death to the patient facing death. They are mostly Christian and highly educated. These people could be named as The Religious. Factor B:The people of this factor have no confidence in the future life, and attribute all the human events to the destiny, and have a negative attitude toward notice of death . They are mostly undereducated. The name of the Fatalists is most likely. Factor C:These persons do not believe in the future life and have definite confidence in scientific technology and medicine for the better human life with a positive attitude toward notice of death . All of them are young adults. They could be named the scientifics Factor D : The subjects of this factor have neutral attitude toward religion, deny the“hereafter” and incessantly seek realistic pleasure. Neutral attitude toward notice of death is also characteristic. The Realists were the suitable name. All the subjects are male in their twenties. Facto r E :Therse persons considerably believe in the future existence, but soak into the idea that the life is meaningless. They are neutral in attitude toward notice of death . These Nihilists are all females. Factor F :They have no confidence in the fu- ture life, religion, and every events in the human life with highly ambivalent attitude toward the way of life. They have a negative attitude toward notice of death . All of them are males in their twenties and thirties. The Ambivalents could b e named to them . Discussion focused on the variety of attitudes toward death and desirable attitude of medical personnel toward the patient facing death.

서 론

조사대상 및 방법

결 과

고 찰

결 톤

