The authors studied anxiety and depression, using Zung’s self-rating anxiety and depression scales in 329 elderly males, and compared the results; with those of 522 elderly females who lived in the- Seoul, Taegu and Gyung San areas, during theperiod from the beginning of Oct. 1983 until the end of June 1984. The summary of the results is as follows: 1. There was no significant difference in the-mean of total anxiety scores between the two,groups. 2. The anxiety scores relating to sweating, ap-prehension, dyspnea, restlessness and insomnia were relatively high in both groups. The score of faintness panic, fear, tremors and facial flushing were lower in both groups. 3. The 48 elderly males(14.6%) showed rather serious anxiety levels with scores of 50 or higher, while 153 elderly females(29. 4%) showed the sa-me score. 4. Among these psychosocial factors, retirement, living place and social security system have a significant relationship to anxiety scores in both male and femble aging. 5. There was no significant difference in the mean of total depression scores btween the two groups. 6. The depression scores relatin g to hopelessness, personal devaluation, dissatisfaction, psychom-otor retardation and emptiness were relatively high in both groups. The scores of psychomotor agitation, crying sp-ells, constipation and suicidal rumination were lower in both groups. 7. The III elderly males(33 .1%) showed rather serious depression levels with scores of 50 or higher, while the 295 elderly females(56.5%) showed the same score. 8. Among these psychosocial factors, aging, re-tirement and living places are significan tly related to depression scores in both male and female aging. And elderly females are more depressive than elderly males in the case of supporter (self,sons), no occupation, illiteracy an d absence of religion. 9. The items relating to palpitation, fatigue, anxiousness, mental disintegration, apprehension and tremor in anxiety scale, and the items relating to tachycardia, fatigue, irritability , psychomotor agitation, depressed affect, dissatisfaction, crying spells and em ptiness in depression scale were correlated significantly over 0.40 of the correlat-ion coefficient.
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