최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

정신분열병 환자의 꿈

Dreams of Schizophrenic Patients

  • 13

The purpose of this study was to examine the characteristic features of the dreams of schizophrenics compared with nonschizophrenics. Subjects were 52 schizophrenics and 58 nonschizophrenics who had been treated at Kyungpook National University Hospital from August 1,1983 to July 31,.1984. According to DSM-III classification, of the-52 schizophrenic subjects, 31 were diagnosed as. paranoid, 13 undifferentiated, 6 catatonic, and 2: disorganized. Of the 58 nonschizophrenic subjects,21 were diagnosed as dysthymic disorder, 18 an-xiety disorder, 8 conversion disorder, 8 obsessive-compulsive disorder, and 3 personality disorder. Sex and age of the nonschizophrenic subjects were controlled. All subjects had 6 resident therapists. Therapists were instructed to collect dreams in the morning. Dreams were written down by the therapist. No special effort was made to elicit dreams aside from asking the patients to remember the dreams. The maximal number of dreams from any one subject was limited to ten, and if there was any question that the dream was recalled from the past or was confused with psychopathology, the dream was omitted. The total number of dreams from schizophrenic subjects was 238, from nonschizophrenic subjects, 233 : the mean for schizophrenic subjects, 4.58, for nonschizophrenic subjects, 4.02. The content categories used in this study were the presence or absence of the objects, relating to dream ego, the contents of the objects relating to dream ego, the aggressive interactions between dream ego and its objects, the contents of the aggressive interactions, the presence or absence of unrealistic images. The definition of“relating ” was confined to talk in g or real action. The dream was the unit for statistical comparision. Each dream was, according to the content categories^ identified by two judges. The results are as follows, The rate of the dreams with objects relating to dream ego in the schizophenics, 48. 396, was almost the same as that of nonschizophrenics, 53 .2% As to the contents of objects relating to dream ego, the rate of the dreams with dreams with human objects in the schizophrenics, 36.5% , was significantly less than that of the nonshizophr-enics, 52.4% . However, the rate of the dreams with non-human objects in the schizohprenics,12.2% , was significantly higher than that of the nonschizophrenics, 0.5% . The rate of animalsin the schizophrenics, and that of authority in the nonschizophrenics were remark ably contrasted. In the patterns of aggressive interaction, the dream ego of schizophrcnics showed higher rate of“being a ttacked ”,14.3% , than that of attac-king, 3.8%, compared with the nonschizophrenics and the dream egos of both groups was, in com- mon, attacked by the unknown persons and the non-human objects. The rate of dreams with unrealistic images in the schizophrenics, 31.9%, was significantly higher than that of the nonschizophrenics, 14.6%. considering the above results, it is understood that the schizophrenic dreams reveal some chara-cteristic features corresponding to the waking psy-chopathology compared with the nonschizophrenic dreams.

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