최근 검색어 전체 삭제
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KCI등재 학술저널

정신감정이 의뢰된 殺人被疑者의 MMPI

MMPI of the Suspected Murderers

  • 37

The authors studied MMPI resposes of 50 suspected murderers who had been referred to the psychiatrists from the court of Taegu area for the period of March 1983 to December 1984, to determine criminal responsibility. The MMPI was administered individually in the presence of a watchman. The MMPI profile of the suspected murderers was compared with that of induced patients’role-faking group of previous study and that of the schizophrenic group of another study. Secondly,the suspected murderers of the present study were divided into two groups (psychotic and non-psychotic) and MMPI profiles of both groups were compared. The results were as follows; The MMPI profile of the suspected murderers showed extremely elevated pattern in terms of neurotic triad as well as in psychotic tetrad and was higher in its scores than the profile of schizophrenic group, but was lower than that of role faking group. The mean F scale score of MM PI of the suspected murderers was extremely high (raw ,24.8) which could be interpreted as lack of clinical validity. In the comparison of psychotic and non-psychotic group of the suspected murderers, there was no different pattern sand the patterns of both groups were more elevated in terms of neurotic triad and psychotic tetrad than those of schizophrenic comparison group. From the above results, the authors think the MMPI of suspected murderers was not effectively instrumental in determining mental illness from normal group. In conclusion, the lack of genuine motivation in psychological testing such as MMPI which heavily depends on subjective and self-reporting procedure results in lack of clinical validity.

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