최근 검색어 전체 삭제
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KCI등재 학술저널

DSM-III에 의한 불면증에 관한 연구 : 정신과 외래환자를 대상으로

A Study of Insomnia by DSM -III : Based on Psychiatric Outpatients

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This investigation was based on the study of 247 Psychiatric patients with insomnia of at least 1 month’s duration, who had visited at the Department of Neuropsychiatry, Korea University Haewha Hospital from January 1983 to December 1983. The results were as follows; 1. There were 101 men ar.d 146 wcmen with the mean age of 38. 9 years. They had occupied 40.4 percent of all psychiatric patients in the same period. 2. The most common diagnoses were, in order, -affective, somatoform , anxiety, schizophrenic, -compulsive personality, and passive-aggressive perscalrity disorder. Also abcut one half of them were in the anxious or fearful cluster. 3. In the duration of insomnia, more than one half had been suffering from insomnia for at least 12 months and there were no statistical significances among diagnoses except subtypes of affective disorder. 4. Difficulty falling asleep was the most common type in this investigation. Difficulty falling asleep was more common in bipolar disorder, mania; V codes; schizophrenic; dysthymic; and compulsive personality disorder, whereas difficulty staying asleep was more common in major depression and bipolar disorder, depressed. 5. Twenty-one patients had axis III diagnoses and also they had axis I diagnosis as principal diagnosis. 6. In the MMPI results, the scales most elevated were, in order, hypochondriasis, conversion hysteria, depression and psychasthenia. These findings suggested that various factors such as somatic concern, depression, anxiety, fear, and obsession were correlated with insomnia.

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