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KCI등재 학술저널

수용시설 및 특수학교 정신지연아에 있어 간질발작의 실태조사

The Clinical Studies of Epileptics in Mentally Retarded Children who are in Several Institution and Special Schools

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This study was attempted to reveal the mentallyretarded children’s seizures. In one in stitution and five special school selected ramdonly, which were located at the urban area in Seoul, there were one thousand seventy six cases. Then seven hundred ninty nine children who met the of mental retardation of DSM -III diagnstic criteria were investigated from May. 1984 to Aug. 1984,and 85 epileptics were selected for this study. The results were as follows; 1. It was found that eighty five(10. 6%) of seven hundred ninty nine mentally retarded child-ren 2. The percentage of the seizures according to the degree of M.R. had no significant meaning. 3. Among the presumbed etiological factors, forty six epileptics(13.1%) had infections disease,, eight epileptics (9.4%) had Down’s syndrome,, seven epileptics (8.Z%) had perinatal brain trauma and infectious disease was the highest one of known etiologies. 4. In the eighty two cases, the proportion of abnormal EEG was seventy five (91.5% ), and in the distribution of wave patterns of abnormal EEG, focal paroxysmal slow waves occupied 66.7% highest one of all, then focal, spikes and generalized slow waves was next. 5. As to the precipitating factors of seizure attak , the most frequent one was the physical exertion and eighteen epilepties (21.2% ) were usually had attacks by this factor. 6. Seventy (82.396) of eighty five epileptics had character and behavioral problem s, and amongthose, hyperactivity consisted of nighteen (22 .4%) of eighty five, and highest one of all, then aggression was next. 7. The side effects which were considered to be associated with seizure control by anticonvulsants revealed in the all eighty five epileptics, among those, drowsiness occupied tweenty three (25.3% ), highest one of all. 8. As to the purchasing anticonvulsants,“by parents” consisted of forty six (54 .1%) of eighty five, highest one of all. 9. As to the communication with family for seizures control, sixty (70.6%) of eighty five had no communication. 10. In the education and traing program , thirty eight (44.796) of eighty five could not partici-pated

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