최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

공황발작에 대한 임상적 연구

A Clinical Study on Panic Attack

  • 28

One hundred patients with spontaneous panic attack were interviewed in order to collect data on histories, symptom patterns, clinical courses and other clinical features of the disorder. The current concepts of anxiety state ;panic attack as a disease entity , the development of agoraphobia, anticipatory anxiety and possible association with separation anxiety were applied to these Korean patients. Data on clinical course indicated that most patients with agoraphobia developed phobic sym-ptoms after the onsets of panic attack . Characteristically, depressive symptoms that panic patients showed were reactive in nature. It was also found that many patients had remained in hypochondriacal stage in stead of developing into multiple and more prevailing massive agoraphobia. The general patterns of panic symptoms and the cognitive variables of agoraphobia were found to be similar to those of previous studies. In family prevalence of psychiatric disorders including panic disorder was rather low, which seems to be due to a defiency of extensive probing. However, family history of alcoholism was founded to be exceptionally high. A high rate of early parental loss, fearfulness in childhood, and history of separation anxiety were important historical variables. In this study,how ever, such anticedent factors as social phobia and simple phobia before their initial panic attacks and their relationship with the development of panic attacks remained unresolved.

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