최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

베체트 증후군환자에 관한 정신의학적 연구

Psychiatric Aspects of Behcet’s syndrome

A clinical study was conducted on the psychiatric symptoms and psychiatric diagnoses manifested by 40 Behget patients through a semi structured interview , chart review and the application of psychological tests. P a tie n ts w ere referred to th e psychiatric dept, from Behget clinic of Severance Hospital during the period from Jan. 10 to Aug. 31,1984. The purpose of this study is to evalvate if stressful life events and other emotional factors play a significant role in this condition. Major results of this study are as follows: 16 among 40 Behget patients have prominent psychiatric symptoms such as depressed mood, anxiety and sleep disturbances and dysthm ic disorder(8), hypochondriasis(3), adjustment disorder(3), major depression(1) and marita l problems (1) were diagnosed by DSM-III criteria. Major stressful life events were family, economical, physical illness, occupational and sexal problems in descending order. The MMPI revealed that hypochondriacal (Hy), depression(D) and hysterical(Hs) scale had the highest points. Based on the above results, we suggest that psychiatric aspects of the disease must be emphasized and need further investigation to examine the relationship between immune reactio ons and psychological stress, the relevance of psychiatric factors in the clinical onset and exacerbation of physical symptoms.

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