The dementia of the Alzheimer type has been paying attention with increasing interest in the mechanism of aging. But, unfortunately they cannot clarified whether it is qualitatively or quant itatively facilitated physiological aging or pathologically specific entity. The study on the dementia of the Alzheimer type is in the infantile stage with a few decades, history. The biochemical study started with acetylcholine and its related enzymes at the beginning, but extended to the other neurotransmitters such as noradrenaline, dopamine, serotonin, Taminobutyric acid as time went on. Recently, the investigators began to pay attention to neuropeptides such as vasopressin; its related hypophyseal hormones; that is, ACTH, B-LPH, MSH, endorphin, and enkephalin; somatostatin and oxytocin. Furthermore, the second messenger, cyclic nucleotides was suggested to be related. But, till now, the pathogenesis and the neurobiological mechanisms underlying the dementia of the Alzheimer type is not clarified.
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