최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

사희 공포증의 집단치료ᅳ경험적 시도

Group Therapy of Social Phobia-Empirical Trial

  • 12

This paper is an evaluation of two experimental short-term group therapies exclusively for social phobia cases based on therapists, experiences. The followings are major findings and recommendations for future groups. 1. The entire course of therapy consists of roughly three steps as follows, focused on cognitive reconstructions􀄯 1st step􀆮 to understand cognitive distortion. 2nd step: to experience congnitive distortion through paradoxical intention and other behavioral techniques. 3rd step􀆮 to accept symptom ‘as it is Therapy didn’t go well stepwise as it was planned, due to high drop out rates, (1st group, 60%; 2nd group, 72%) the following solution was suggested: a. Adequate pre-group therapy evaluation, and form a rapport with patient to establish trust and undestanding of group therapy procedures. b. Payment of full (therapy) fee before starting group. 2. Psychotic side of borderline case should beexcluded. 3. Practical size of group could be large up to 10 than usual of eight. 4. Total therapy session could be shortened [to eight, each lasting longer up to two hours or more than usual of 90 mintes. 5. According to patient’s evaluation of effectivetechinques, the followings are most impressive in descending order. a. Cognitive reconstruction through therapist’scomment and remark. b. paradoxical intention. c. homework assignment. d. role playing. 6. A treatment brochure with a detailed explanation of each session is recommended to assist both the therapists and patients in understanding the sequential stage of treatment. 7. Sessions should be filmed and shown to enhance objective assessment of self and treatment efficacy. 8. Slide of demographical data for normal Korean social anxiety appears to be effective. 9. Closed group is particularly recommended for this group, so that sequential stepwise treatment can be applied. With the above findings, well structured, grouptherapy aimed at cognitive reconstruction, seem& highly recommendable for social phobia.

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