최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

攝導所 自傷痕 受刑者의 罪質 考察

A Survey of Criminality in Self-Injured Prisoner

A lot of persons having self-injured, tattooed or self-injured with tattooed body have been found in low social class. Actually, they do not like to expose themselves to examiner, so many difficulties are confronted to investigate what they are. But by a few researcher,some statistical and psychodynamic data could be obtained from strapping fellows, military service men and wrist-cutting patients. Until now, as we have a low opinion of social and personal problems of self-injured person, no survey about the nature of crime for the self-injured persons have been reported, even not studied about prisoners. The author tried to survey them who were kept in Masan correctional institution. The offences were analized as follow􀆮 the age of the self-injured who convicted the first crime, educational background, quality and contents of crime, frequency of conviction, and finally comparing the first convicted crime and their age with those of presently serving prisoners in order to observe the changes in quality and nature of crime. All the investigated data which came from self injured group were, compared with tattooed prisoner, self- injured with tattooed, and prisoner who have no scars on body. Thus the results were as follows. 1. The self-injured criminals gain more experiences of self-injury in their younger age and the percentage or the frequency of crime was found lower than those who had tattoos on their bodies, while the first crime cases were lower than tattooed. 2. The educational level of both the self-injured and the tattooed prisoners were almost the same or a little more educacated when compared with that of non self-injured prisoners. 3. The nature of crimes of the above mentioned three groups was found no remarkable indications, and their main patterns of crime were violences, next, the crime of property (total 82.2%) ;the self-injured group convicted more injuries, the tattooed group more robberies. Of the property criminals, the above three groups convicted larcency most(73.5%), and their violence crime rate(48.0%), but homicide was not found remarkably. In non selfinjured group, it revealed that 57.1% of larcency and 23.6% of violence􀄯 it is much lower frequency of crime compared with that of the self-injured group(33.4%) of homicide and 27.6% of the other crimes). 4. Under the age of twenty, the self-injured criminals were found more than the self-injured criminals who had tattoos on their body, in their twenties, the self-injured criminal group and the non self-injured criminal group showed the peak composition on crime, and in their thir-ties, the number of self-injured criminals with tattooed body decreased, but the crime of the non self-injured criminal group continued to their sixties or more. 5. The nature of crime had not any changeable phenomena between the first criminal’s sentences to their crime charge and the last, and the similar phenomena could be found in the non self-injured criminal group. 6. The possible percentage of the first crime in the groups of both the self-injured criminals and the tattooed with self-injured criminals was 12.4% of all the crimes, and their possibility of the second conviction was 87.6%, but of all the crimes the possible percentage of the first conviction was found most in the group of the self-injury(25.3%) and 6.8% in group of the tattooed and their possible percentage of the second conviction was 93.2%, but the percentage of the first offender and the repeated offender in the non self-injured criminal group was foud each 41.4% and 56.6%. It means that the rate of the second conviction of the non self-injured criminals, was lower when compared with that of the self-injured criminal group and the tattooed criminal group. 7. In conclusion, no remarkable difference or indication of the nature of crime was found among those who had the self-injured scars on their body and those who had tattoos and those who had the

緒 論

調査對象 과 万法

結 果

考 察

結 論

