최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

韓國精神科醫師의 社會的役割考

The social role of the Korean Psychiatrists.

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The concepts of social status and social role have specific meanings themselves. The social status is a position within a social system. The social role is the pattern of behavior associated with that position. Generally, The social status and the social role involve each other. So that the social role represents the dynamic aspects of social status. The individuals are the most important composer of the society, and the society was made by the men, individual persons. Each person has his specific history, successes and failures. A man has relation-ships with others having his own different view points in this society. The attitudes of the Korean people toward psychiatry are greatly differ accordihg to their Knowledges and expericences. Some think about superstitious curiosity to the psychiatric field. Others are well acknowledged about the mental mechanisms and the scientific psychiatry. Recent development on the economic and industrial fields are prominent in the Korean society. But the thinking and behavioral changes are still much conservative and less scientific ways. The most urgent role of Korean psychiatrists migt be to change the patterns of thinking and behavior to the more rational, scientific and reality orientd ways. Psychiatrists have been treated their clients in many ways untill their rational behavior derives by their own endeavour. This social role has to be taken into account as a very important function of the Korean psy-chiatrist to this society in these days.

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