Whether the dream characteristic of schizophrenia does exist or not has been disputed until these days. This study aimed to seek the affect response of chronic schizophrenics and to test the general assumption that dream content would be consistent with waking psychopathology. Also, the authors tried to seek the relation between delusional level during waking state and novelty within the dream content, consequently testing that Jung’s compensation theory of dreams is applicable to that relation. Yesterday dream’ of 104 chronic schizophrenics and 110 normals were selected from mental hospital for chronics and general population. Schizophrenic subjects were matched with normal subjects in age, sex, educations, socioeconomic status and religion. Collection of dreams was done by use of unstructured questionnaire and affect response was checked by structured questionnaire. For gathering the clinical information and scoring delusional level, chart was reviewed and patient was interviewed by the psychiatric senior residents. Normals were answered by semistructured questionnaire for personal information, in addition to the same questionnaire with patient. All questionaire were answered at the same time. Both sex-linked groups were compared and analysed statistically. The statistically significant findings of this stu-dy were as follows: 1. Affect response; Satisfaction was less marked in schizophrenic dreams than was normals. And anger response was more marked in male schizophrenics than was in female schizophrenics. 2. Dream content; Passive participation, observation or absence of dream ego were more often in chronic schizophrenics than were in normals. And their dreams tended to display strange, unc-anny and unusual themes. 3. Delusional level vs. Novely; Delusional level was negatively correlated with novelty in female chronic schizophrenics. In conclusion, the dream content of chronic schizophrenics is partially consistent with waking psychopathology. And the correlation between delusional level and novelty supports Jung ’s compensation theory of dreams.
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