In this double blind cross-over study, the effectiveness of naloxone in the treatment was studied among 20 chronic schizophrenic patients hospitalized at National Seoul Mental Hospital at ninth July in 1984. These subjects have been suffered from schizophrenia for at least two years and were treated with neuroleptic medication for two months or more but they were found resistant to neuroleptic drug therapy or had persistant auditory hallucination. On one day, each patient received 10mg of naloxone intravenously and the other day, received an equal volume of saline placebo. They were evaluated by means of Brief Psych-irtric Rating Scale and Auditory Hallucination Rating Scale. Baseline ratings were performed one-half hour prior to drug injection and postdrug ratings were completed at lhour, 2hours, 4hours, and 6hours. The results were as follows: 1. Naloxone group showed significant improvement in BPRS “Hallucinatory Behavior”, “Mental Retardation” item and BPRS totals at postdrug, 1hour(pSO. 05),and in BPRS “Hallucinatory Behavior item 2 hours after drug injection (p<5.01) But in total time periods, naloxone group showed statistically significant improvement in BPRS “Guilt Feelings”“Hostility” and “Hallucinatory Behavior item, and BPRS total(p<0.05, p>0.01) There was no worsened item in BPRS. 2. Naloxone group significantly improved in “Thought-Disturbance” and “Paranoid-Suspicion” snbscale 1 hour after drug injection (p < 0 .05). In total time periods, naloxone group significantly improved in “Thought-Disturbance” (p < 0 .01), Anxiety- Depression and Paranoid-Suspicion snbcale (p < 0 .05) 3. Among the 12 subjects who completed AHRS by themselves, no significant difference naloxone gorup and placebo group in each time was found. But there was a significant correlation between changes in the AHRS and BPRS “Hallucinatory Behavior” item ( r = 0 .64, s = 0 .001 n=12)
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